It is understandable that you might be going through an extra difficult time at the moment. Your energy comes from being surrounded by others. You are the life of the party. You are the loud voice at the concert. You are the laughter at a restaurant. Crowds do not scare you. Noise does not bother you. Yet now you are being asked to stay indoors. Away from crowds. Away from noise. Away from what gives you energy. This can be a harrowing ordeal for you, but there is good news.

In your solitude and silence you will find energy as well. A very different kind. A very special kind. You will come to realize you are far stronger than you ever realized. You will notice that your voice can still be heard, first by you, then by others. You will begin to feel an energy you might have never felt before. A different kind of energy. You will begin to feel balanced.

With this attained balance, once you resurface to the crowds and the noise, your energy will reach farther than it has before. Your energy will make so many others be the life of the party along with you. Your voice will make so many others at the concert sing along with you . Your laughter at the restaurant will be heard and replicated.

So, hang in there. Even in your confinement, keep singing, keep dancing, keep laughing. For you will see, dear extrovert, that after this period of solitude comes to its end, your energy will reach even the likes of me, your dear friend, the introvert.

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