Repetition.  Merriam-Webster defines it as “the act or an instance of repeating or being repeated”. Repetition. Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as “the act of doing or saying something again”. Repetition.  Oxford English Dictionary states its origins come from the “Old French repeter, from Latin repetere, from re- ‘back’ + petereseek’ “.  Repetition. It is VERY present in an elementary classroom setting.  Youngsters often (very often) “seeking back” to what has already been shared, explained, or said. As a teacher, I constantly struggle on what is worth repeating and catch myself repeating unnecessary words, causing them to be ineffective…and I realize, repetition of certain thoughts can cause a mighty impact.  Repetition of other thoughts can cause a mighty demise.  If you seek back and choose wisely what you wish to repeat, you can instill a sense of power in these young minds (in anyone, actually).  Yet if you choose poorly, repetition can create an overwhelming  sense of dependency.  Repetition.  Its power can be used for good or for evil.  Repetition. As soon as it makes its re-appearance in your day, use it for good.  Whatever you may be repeating, make sure it is worthy. Whatever you may be repeating, make sure it is done respectfully.  Whatever you may be repeating, make sure it constructs an environment of empowerment to move forward and continue. Repetition.  Seek back only that which makes you and others around you stronger. Repetition.

7 thoughts on “REPETITION.

  1. I like your repetition in the last part of your post. Yes, we can use repetition to make super strong points. And we can use repetition to drive people crazy. And we can use repetition to train people not to listen to a word we say…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Strong format today! The use of the word repetition over and over again gives your writing power and your readers pause. Especially strong in our pedagogy thinking this line…Whatever you may be repeating, make sure it constructs an environment of empowerment to move forward and continue. In our shared collaborative work across grades we looked at nonfiction work and the skills, structures, and learning objectives and how they spiral across grades. Considering what might need mastery or approximation, what needs a firm foundation for future work and what is an introduction to things to come, may give us a footing to what repetition might look like.

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  3. You make us really think about repetition and how to use it – or not use it. It also makes me appreciate, anew, the many moves and decisions teachers make in a school day – it’s crazy.


    1. As I wrote this I kept thinking of all the things I say over and over again, and then I realized it’s the same with the things we do. I can repeat bad habits, or start to repeat good ones. Repetition is not only verbal, it’s life.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I love the pattern you have chosen to use. Single words, yet so much depth in each one of the words you have chosen. By the end of your piece, I wasn’t thinking just exactly how not only can I apply what you said we do in the class, but how do I apply it to my life. Do I chose well what I repeat? Loved your last few sentences. Using purposeful repetition of the word repetition, brilliant. Powerful!

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