They. For many, many years now, They have found their way in to my heart.  Some do it in Silence, while others use lots of Perseverance.  Eventually, They all find their way in.  I Embrace them all, and have learned not to ask too many Questions as to why They have been placed on my path. I know They are there for a reason.  I learn from them just as much as They learn from me.  That is the Balance I realize exists towards the end.  This Repetition, this pattern happens every year, and although at times I feel I am losing my Stamina, thankfully I find ways to stay strong.  This particular year, They have brought me many, many Tears.  I began to seriously doubt They would find a place in my heart.  Recently though, it seems my Invisibility cloak is losing its power, and They do see me and hear me.  They did it.  They found a way in.  Once They are in, They stay there.  We had fun on Friday coming up with some interesting thoughts about the days of the week.  Some of their thoughts will be present in next week’s posts.  I look forward to putting together what They think and what I think…Our thoughts will hopefully make you smile.    

7 thoughts on “THEY.

  1. Wow! This is the classroom experience! You nailed it! And some years are tough. And it can take a long time to become one. And some years are remarkable. And some leave us in tears. But we stand tall and go back for more because we are teachers and there is a reason we are there! thank you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like how your piece today connected your previous ones together. WordPress lets you link to your other posts if you ever want to do that, but using the capital letter does the job of letting the reader know you are talking about something in particular. Nice slice!

    Liked by 1 person

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