Dear Voice,

I can always hear you.  When you are loud, you are not my favorite.  When you are soft, you are like music to my ears.  When you are silent, that is when you are most powerful.

When you are loud, you are unkind.   When you are loud, you are repeating things already said. When you are loud, you cannot take back what you said. You think that by being loud you are being heard. I’m sorry to break it to you, but you might be wrong there.

When you are soft, you are gentle. When you are soft, you are revealing something new. I know you think you are not reaching many when you speak softly, but you would be surprised to know that those who are listening, are taking it all in.  

Voice, it is when you are silent that you are most heard.It is when you are silent that I listen more closely. It is when you are silent that magic happens. I don’t know how you do it Voice, but suddenly the words make their way towards Hands. Hands then just allow your words to pour out on to the screen, and you describe vivid scenes, share lasting emotions and create unique thoughts.

It is when you are silent that more magic happens. In this silence, you connect directly with me. This is the moment that is most powerful.

Voice.  If I may give you some advice? It is unnecessary to be loud. It is better to be gentle. It is most important to be silent. Connect with me as much as is possible, and you will know what I mean.



One thought on “VOICE

  1. The volume of a voice can give the listener a big hint as to our state of mind. As you say, sometimes a quiet voice – or silence – has a bigger impact than a loud voice. (A reminder I often needed during my teacher years.)


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